Transforming A Brand

A large portion of my duties in the past decade have centered around re-branding companies. Businesses of all kinds, across a wide array of industries, would approach us with a problem and our job was to find the solution. The solution usually included re-engineering the internal and external brand touchpoints to better engage with the customer and better support the brand message. 

In this case, Marine Military Academy, the only private all-boys preparatory school run by former U.S. Marines, came to us with concerns about their enrollment numbers. Applying our brand assessment methods, we discovered that the issue was one of messaging - the school was not effectively communicating to potential students and their parents. Furthermore, the existing brand message wasn't engaging. Our team crafted a new brand message surrounding "transformation." The young men we needed to speak to weren't bad, they just needed the tools to focus on school work free from distraction, so that they could become well-prepared, disciplined young men ready for the next step in their lives. 

Our team presented several options, a few print and video samples from two of the concepts presented are shown below. The option Marine Military Academy ultimately chose is at the bottom.

You can visit Marine Military Academy's website here.

(Please be aware that while the concept we proposed is still intact, a great deal of the actual content has been changed by the client since I wrote the original.)