Eighteen Minutes that Changed the World

The new San Jacinto Museum and Monument website was a labor of love two years in the making. And it truly was a team effort. At the time I was one of two creative directors leading a team of writers and designers who were, in turn, working with a team of developers to launch this site. The goal was to make the site as immersive and dynamic as possible. We broke a few rules and invented a few new gadgets to make a site worthy of the truly world-changing event that was the Battle of San Jacinto. 

Visit the San Jacinto Museum and Monument website.

I contributed some of the copy on the site, but the piece that was the most satisfying for me personally is the video on the homepage. I was asked to see if there was anything we (the creative team) could do to add a video element to the site. The catch was that it had to be done free of charge (The San Jacinto Monument is a non-profit organization). Using a few pictures and video gifs taken at past annual re-enactments of the battle, and my penchant for creating stories, we cobbled together the video below (which you can also view on the San Jacinto website).